Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Inform. Michael Burch
Email: michael.burch@visus.uni-stuttgart.de

VISUS - Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme - Stuttgart

Congratulations! 2 In A Row!

If you are interested in drawing colored images from abstract data and you are looking for a Diploma Thesis, Master Thesis, or Bachelor Thesis in the fields of Information Visualization, Graph Drawing, Visual Analytics, or Evaluation, please come to my office or write an email. All you need is some background in one of the following programming languages: Java, C#, or C++.

There will be a workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization co-located with IEEE VIS 2015 in Chicago

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher (postdoc) within the Visualization Group of Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf at the University of Stuttgart in the Visualization Research Center, VISUS.

I obtained my degree in Computer Science (Diploma Thesis) from the Saarland University in Saarbrücken in 2005. The first reviewer of my diploma thesis was Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Wilhelm from the chair for programming languages and compiler construction and the second reviewer was Prof. Dr. Stephan Diehl. The thesis was entitled: "The Visualization of Large Rule Sets to Detect Patterns and Anomalies" and is written in German.

In 2010, I obtained my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) degree in Computer Science in the area of Information Visualization from the University of Trier, Germany. The PhD thesis is entitled: "Visualizing Static and Dynamic Relations in Information Hierarchies" and is written in English.

Dynamic Call Graphs of the CheckStyle Open Source Software ProjectDynamic Call Graphs of the Cobertura Open Source Software ProjectDynamic Call Graphs of the JHotDraw Open Source Software Project
My favorite research interests are dynamic graph visualization, hierarchy visualization, visual data mining, more generally software visualization and information visualization. I also have some interests in perception in visualization and in conducting user studies and evaluations. I also like research challenges in the domain of Visual Analytics. Visualizations designed by me are mainly minimalistic that means as little graphical primitives as possible are used to display as much information as possible with as many data dimensions as possible in a very small display area. The question that I ask is:

"How much information can be visually encoded in a static diagram without producing visual clutter and chart junk?"