2nd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization 2016 (ETVIS'16)
Questions and feedback at: michael.burch@visus.uni-stuttgart.de

Co-located with IEEE VIS in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 23 - 28 October 2016

Welcome to the 2nd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization

After last year's successful workshop co-located with IEEE VIS 2015 in Chicago, Illinois, USA, we decided to have another workshop on this interesting, challenging, and important topic. This year we will again invite you to submit papers with the general topic of combining eye tracking and visualization. This can be visualization or visual analytics techniques for eye tracking data or eye tracking-based user evaluations focusing on visual stimuli. The papers will be reviewed by an international program committee with researchers working in the fields of visualization, eye tracking, human-computer interaction, but also in psychology. The best papers will be invited as an extended version to the Journal of Eye Movement Research.

IMPORTANT! *** Paper submission deadline: July 20th, 2016 ***


Submitted papers should be formatted according to TVCG guidelines. Details and guidelines for preparing a proper submission can be found at http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera_tvcg.html. The page limit is 4 pages plus 1 additional page for references.

Papers must be written in English.

ETVIS uses the EasyChair conference system to handle submissions. Please submit at ETVIS16 Easychair Submission.


ETVIS will accomodate a double-blind review process for those authors that want to submit their work anonymously. Therefore, those authors should NOT include their name or institution on the cover page of the initial submission, and should make an effort to ensure that there is no revealing information in the text (such as obvious citations to authors' previous work, or making acknowledgments to colleagues of long standing).


Papers must contain previously unpublished work and not be submitted concurrently to another conference. The workshop wants to be inclusive and, therefore, we encourage paper submissions from all disciplines related to the ETVIS topics. Following the idea of a workshop, we also encourage submissions that describe work in progress and that discuss open issues. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the International Program Committee and the Workshop Organizers. Our workshop will adhere to the general VGTC ethics guidelines for reviewers, which can be found at http://vgtc.org/about_us/conferences/ethics-guidelines.